Above you can see the layout and design of my classroom. I like having students moving around in the classroom, therefore there are multiple different areas in which the students undertake the writing process. Since the reading zone is a quiet area anyways, it was appropriate to have the students able to do their quite writing and pre-writing in that area. Collaboration is important during the sharing and discussing portion of the writing process, and that’s why I placed it on the opposite side of the room as the quiet area. Similar to the sharing and discussion portion, the conference table also requires the student and teacher to talk about their writing.

Students will have a daily writing journal in which they may write about their weekend, a given formative prompt, or a fun topic that the teacher chooses to get to know her students. This a similar to free writing but more structured. There is also a shelf that holds all of the students portfolios. Their portfolios will hold all of their writing pieces they do throughout the year, which will allow the teacher and the student to visually track progression.