1. What did you learn about your philosophy from making a model?

I learned that it is actually really hard to try and make a tangible thing that represents my belief for classroom management. My philosophy for management is looking at the reasons why students behave in certain ways, and trying to represent “rationale” is a hard thing to do. Additionally, as I was making the model I my ideas for management seemed to expand. As I made each piece I thought about how something else I needed to add to try and explain my reasoning.

2. What did you learn about your philosophy from your classmates observations/comments?

I learned from my classmate’s comments that I would like to add certain aspects into my philosophy statement. I hadn’t really said anything about having a positive environment and somehow through my representation, my classmates said “positivity”. I am glad that my model did represent “positivity” because I think I took advantage of thought that was more of an unspoken characteristic of my belief. I also saw “tools for success”, which I thought was a very great way to think of management in a positive manner. In my classroom management belief, giving students the tools to be successful and overcome their needs gives them a sense of belonging and initiative.

3. How did you expand your philosophy? Explain?

My philosophy expanded by giving me a new perspective on how to construct meaning through tangible items. My philosophy expanded through showing me that there are more to my philosophy then meets the eye, a philosophy is made up many branches and can be grown as time goes on. My philosophy expanded in the way of giving me more to think about with classroom management such as positivity and being understanding. Both of which I hadn’t thought about when developing my classroom management philosophy but they are things that are key for students to feel safe and comfortable.

4. How will you implement this philosophy in the classroom during internship (provide examples)?

Although my CT has a differing philosophy as my own, I can still bring in the positive and caring portion of my philosophy into the classroom. I can look into the aspects of why students are acting the way they are so that I can find out the root of the matter to solve this. This can assist my CT because it may support my students and mitigate the “inappropriate” behavior.