
Miss Edmunds Teaches

Internship experiences using pseudonyms



// Teaching Reflection \\

When you are observing a lesson or another teacher, it is really easy to just pass judgement on all of the things that they are doing wrong and say what you would do instead; however, it isn’t until you physically take on the task of teaching when you truly understand the challenges that are involved with teaching. On October 8th, I taught a small group of six a math lesson. The lesson was centered around the strategy draw a diagram, the students would then use this strategy to solve word problems, more specifically division word problems. Before hand, I had my entire lesson planned out and I felt confident about the material that I was going to cover. I even included a hands on visual for the students to use involving food. Once my collaborating teacher was splitting up the class for the math lesson, she decided to give me the students that struggled with the homework from the previous night, rather than the students I had lesson planned for. She also told me to go over any homework problems they had before starting the lesson–which I hadn’t planned on doing before either. At first, I thought I would be fine and all would still go as planned. When my small group and I sat down in the library, I decided that I would go over a few homework problems that they struggled with before recording my actual lesson. I realized that this was a larger task than I initially thought because almost every student in the small group got every question wrong. After going over two long division problems in depth, I looked at the clock and saw I only had twenty minutes before lunch. The realization that I would definitely not finish my lesson, made me panic. Even though I really wanted to assist these students with their questions, I had to teach my lesson.

When I was teaching my lesson I felt a bit flustered and rushed because of time restraints. I felt that I wasn’t making myself clear. Additionally, I think because I deviated from my CT’s math routine, the students didn’t understand the process I was trying to explain. My CT doesn’t teach math using “I do, We do, You do”, instead the class all works together along with her. Next time, I might try to more closely match the lesson routine that my CT does so the students know exactly what to do. Also, I’m not really sure why the students weren’t writing anything down because I think that they normally do in class. So next time, I might emphasize writing notes by writing on a white board or an ELMO. In addition, I also was really discouraged when I saw that the young man in the back literally wasn’t even paying attention. He was writing something on his write board. The only thing I could make out was, “I stink at…” I couldn’t read everything he had written, but regardless, it truly makes me upset when I see or hear a student say they stink at something. I feel like he may have thought this because I wasn’t able to fully explain his homework to him because I had to do my lesson. Next time I will ask my CT if she would like me to do a reteach lesson for struggling students. Conversely, I felt as though the two girls on my right and the girl sitting right beside me, understood the method that I was trying to teach. One of those girls actually made a connection though the explanation saying, “I think we did something like this last year”. Also while teaching, I was trying to include all of the students, but after watching the video, I noticed that many of them weren’t really paying attention. I am going to reflect upon various ways that I can include all of the students and have them actively engaged throughout the lesson without embarrassing them.

Before I had even watched myself teach, I felt a little bit like a failure because I didn’t even get half way through the lesson. When I discussed this with my CT, she was explaining to me that that’s what happens sometimes when teaching. You have to be flexible because most of the time things aren’t going to go as planned. She also mentioned that review is all a part of lesson planning, so even though I spent more time reviewing than I initially planned for, it wasn’t in vain. I think that the next time I do a lesson that requires a review of previous information, I will definitely include it in my recording.

After I watched the video, I was actually surprised with my demeanor and articulation throughout the explanations. As I had said, I thought that I felt rushed and flustered, but when I watched myself, I didn’t look as flustered as I felt. Also, I felt as though I articulated the material I was trying to cover well even with the time constraint on my mind. I think that the hands on activity that I was going to have the students do would have worked really well because when I was using the gold fish to demonstrate the strategy I felt as though they were paying attention and as soon as I poured each student fish, many of them seemed to perk up.

Having the ability to reflect using a video was a lot more useful than I initially thought. I actually gained a lot of understanding and knowledge through watching the video. I would like to teach the class another math lesson because I would really like to see how it would go when I can plan better to get all the way through the lesson. I would even like to do a reteach because I think that a lot of students in that class may struggle with math and I never want to see a student get left behind.

When I was teaching my lesson I felt a bit flustered and rushed because of time restraints. I felt that I wasn’t making myself clear. Additionally, I think because I deviated from my CT’s math routine, the students didn’t understand the process I was trying to explain. My CT doesn’t teach math using “I do, We do, You do”, instead the class all works together along with her. Next time, I might try to more closely match the lesson routine that my CT does so the students know exactly what to do. I’m not really sure why the students weren’t writing anything down because I think that they normally do in class. In addition, I also was really discouraged when I saw that the young man in the back literally wasn’t even paying attention. He was writing on his write board something like “I stink at…” I couldn’t read everything he had written, but regardless, it truly makes me upset when I see or hear a student say they stink at something. I feel like he may have  thought this because I wasn’t able to fully explain his homework to him because I had to do my lesson. However, I felt as though the two girls on my right and the girl sitting right understood the method that I was trying to teach. One of those girls actually made a connection though the explanation saying, “I think we did something like this last year”. Also while teaching, I was trying to include all of the students, but after watching the video, I noticed that many of them weren’t really paying attention. I am going to reflect upon various ways that I can include all of the students and have them actively engaged throughout the lesson.

Before I had even watched myself teach, I felt a little bit like a failure because I didn’t even get half way through the lesson. When I discussed this with my CT, she was explaining to me that that’s what happens sometimes when teaching. You have to be flexible because most of the time things aren’t going to go as planned. She also mentioned that review is all apart of lesson planning, so even though I spend more time than I initially planned reviewing, it wasn’t in vain. I think that next time I do a lesson that involves review, I will definitely include it in my recording. After I watched the video, I was actually surprised with my demeanor and articulation throughout the explanations. As I had said, I thought that I felt rushed and flustered, but when I watched myself, I didn’t look as flustered as I felt. Also, I felt as though I articulated the material I was trying to cover well even with the time constraint on my mind. I think that the hands on activity that I was going to have the students do would have worked really well because when I was using the gold fish to demonstrate the strategy I felt as though they were paying attention and as soon as I poured each student fish, many of them seemed to perk up.

Having the ability to reflect using a video was a lot more useful than I initially thought. I actually gained a lot of understanding and knowledge through watching the video. Next time I would like to teach the class another math lesson because I would really like to see how it would go when I can plan better to get all the way through. I would even like to do a reteach because I think that a lot of students in that class may struggle with math and I never want to see a student get left behind.

// Fifth Grade Zing \\

The tone of the classroom was set early on by Madam Hooch today. She wasn’t having a good day because she has been sick all week. Before school started, one of the students, Ron, came into class and sat down. He then took out his Nintendo 3 DS and began playing it. Since third grade Ron has been at risk of failing every year. Some days he will do some work, but other days he refuses to engage. Madam Hooch has been very patient with him throughout the year in order to gain a relationship with in to increase his motivation. However, today Madam Hooch’s patient lacked. When the school bell rang to begin the day, Madam Hooch gave instructions to take out their math book. When she saw that Ron still had his gaming system out she took it out of his hands and shouted at him loosing her cool. Throughout the rest of the day, Madam Hooch had a short temper and I could tell that the students were walking on egg shells.

Even with this set back, the students were excited to start to build their roller coasters for the science Olympics. The last couple of weeks, the fifth grade curriculum has been working in a LDC roller coaster physics work book (FEAP 1A). The final assessment is to build a mini roller costar applying the ideas they learned about including: acceleration, inertia, force, kinetic energy, and potential energy (FEAP 1D, 1F 3B). Each fifth grade class chooses one group’s roller coaster in their class to compete in the science Olympics. The winner is determined by the distance the force of a marble coming out of the mini roller coaster pushes a cup. I was excited to have the opportunity to watch the students sketches come to life. As the groups began their designing process, I was able to walk around and discuss with various groups their reasoning behind their design (FEAP 1E). When I came to Luna and Susan’s group, they were experiencing difficulty with their coaster. The marble keep stopping before going around the tear drop loop, since they should be in-between Piaget’s Concrete and Formal Operational Stages, I questioned them asking: “why do you think this is happening?” (FEAP 3F) Luna’s logical response clearly showed an understanding for abstract reasoning because she said: “the marble doesn’t gain enough kinetic energy before entering the loop.” She then hypothesized a change of design, theorizing to place the loop closer to the initial drop. Susan, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the fact that she might loose her teacher directed P.E. because they were having to redesign their roller coaster. I reaffirmed them that if it came to that, then I would stay in the class with them while their working. Luna proclaimed right away, “that sounds like a deal!” I told them that I would check back in with them so I could see what the other groups were doing. The difference between Susan and Luna seemed as though a difference in their self-efficacy. Luna appeared to have a much higher self-efficacy and was self motivated to figure out why the roller coaster wasn’t working. She seemed determined to be successful in the task at hand, whereas Susan didn’t seem to care if she was successful or not. She only wanted to play outside. This could all be influenced from their past experiences within this field of education. After reflecting on this activity, I was pleasantly surprised by how much creativity and initiative the students had. Also, until today I never really had gotten back such a positive reaction to my presence in the class. The students never seemed phased. It gave me joy to know that the students actually really enjoy me being in there!

Additionally today, Madam Hooch had to finish up assessing the easyCBM reading fluency assessment. She advised me to sit in on the rest to give me experience in how this assessment worked. The easyCBM is a system that allows to progress the development of the student’s reading fluency (FEAP 4C). Every few weeks the school will give the teachers this assessment to give to their students and afterwards the teacher will send in each student’s results. At the end of the year, each teacher is able to see the progress that their student’s made in their reading fluency (FEAP 5B). I am glad that I got the opportunity to see how this official assessment worked because I will eventually run into these types of things when I am an official teacher with my own class (FEAP 5D).

Reflective Questions:
1. How can I help increase the self-efficacy and self-regulation of every student? Even those that aren’t motivated?
2. What can I do to have students think for themselves when asked higher order questions, instead of pulling answers out of them?

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